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Just Good Compost (JGC) and Tea and Cake collaborate on new Friendship Project

Would you like to hear something incredible? Just Good Compost recently passed our first-year

mark. We are now serving over 300 households, 4 businesses and 2 elementary schools in

Almonte. With the help of our partners at Carebridge and Lanark County Support Services

(LCSS) we are also employing eight people with special needs in our community. How amazing

is that?

One of our greatest joys has been getting to know more people in our community. This town is

absolutely stocked with fun, smart, and interesting people. More seem to be arriving every day.

Sadly, there are shockingly few ways for all these wonderful people to connect. This seems

unfortunate, especially in the face of increased rates of social isolation and loneliness that

our society now faces.

So, with help of Gwen at Tea and Cake we are trying something new: The Friendship Project.

The idea is very simple. Through a short questionnaire we find out about our customers

interests and activities. Next, we put them in touch with one or two other people with similar

interests and offer them a free beverage at Tea and Cake so they can meet and get to know

each other. If there is a match, great. If not, nothing lost. Our hope is to not only connect our

customers, but also create new social activities and groups that people can join in our


Just Good Compost was created with idea of reducing waste and strengthening our community.

We are thrilled to join Tea and Cake to launch the Friendship Project to help connect our

neighbours while we build clean soil.

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